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Foldable Metal Containers

  • Ship heavier products over longer distances

  • Durable, Repairable & Refurbishable

  • Higher Stackability

  • Customizable

  • Collapsible - folds up to 35% of formed size

  • Solid Walls give higher part protection

  • Metal can be recycled / reused more effectively


Steel Foldable
Metal Container
with Plywood lid


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Foldable metal container, Customised Trolleys, Metal pallets

Metal containers have sustained the demand for metal Returnable Packaging. The automobile sector, due to specific handling, transport, and product conditions, requires expert support through the whole process, from engineering to implementation.

Additionally, steel racks and containers can be used for goods that are heavy and self protectant, because, at times, the product is exposed to other external elements during transport.

Customised Metal Trolleys

IPSCOM implements customized solutions for diverse automotive parts. These solutions are designed in-house and tested extensively using software tools.

  •  Optimize logistics costs

  • Safeguard critical parts

  • Better for line side presentation of parts

  • Use for transportation and for intra plant movement

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Cust Trolley.jpg

Metal Pallets

Pallets with steel frames have been designed and widely deployed where usage is rough and the goods are heavier. The plywood base absorbs shocks while in transit. Excellent for transporting casting parts.

Steel Pallet+Ply.png.jpg
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